1. A Vortex Damping Outflow Forcing for Multiphase Flows with Sharp Interfacial Jumps—Dhruv, Akash—Journal of Computational Physics, 2024

  2. Managing Software Provenance to Enhance Reproducibility in Computational Research—Dhruv, Akash; Dubey, Anshu—Computing in Science and Engineering, 2023

  3. BubbleML: A Multiphysics Dataset and Benchmarks for Machine Learning—Hassan, Sheikh Md Shakeel; Feeney, Arthur; Dhruv, Akash; Suh, Youngjoon; Kim, Jihoon; Ryu, Jaiyoung; Won, Yoonjin; Chandramowlishwaran, Aparna—Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems, 2023

  4. Framework and Methodology for Verification of a Complex Scientific Simulation Software, Flash-X—Dhruv, Akash; Jain, Rajeev; O'Neal, Jared; Weide, Klaus; Dubey, Anshu—World Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, & Applied Computing (CSCE'23), 2023

  5. An Investigation of the Gravity Effects on Pool Boiling Heat Transfer via High-Fidelity Simulations—Dhruv, Akash; Balaras, Elias; Riaz, Amir; Kim, Jungho—International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2021

  6. A Formulation for High-Fidelity Simulations of Pool Boiling in Low Gravity—Dhruv, Akash; Balaras, Elias; Riaz, Amir; Kim, Jungho—International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 2019

  7. Insights From the Software Design of a Multiphysics Multicomponent Scientific Code—Dubey, Anshu—Computing in Science & Engineering, 2021

  8. CodeFlow: A Code Generation System for Flash-X Orchestration Runtime—Rudi, Johann; O'Neal, Jared; Wahib, Mohamed; Dubey, Anshu—2021

  9. Exascale models of stellar explosions: Quintessential multi-physics simulation—Harris, J Austin; Chu, Ran; Couch, Sean M; Dubey, Anshu; Endeve, Eirik; Georgiadou, Antigoni; Jain, Rajeev; Kasen, Daniel; Laiu, M Paul; Messer, OE B; others, —2021

  10. Towards performance portability in the Spark astrophysical magnetohydrodynamics solver in the Flash-X simulation framework—Couch, Sean M; Carlson, Jared; Pajkos, Michael; O’Shea, Brian W; Dubey, Anshu; Klosterman, Tom—Parallel Computing, 2021

  11. Structured Adaptive Mesh Refinement Adaptations to Retain Performance Portability With Increasing Heterogeneity—Dubey, Anshu; Berzins, Martin; Burstedde, Carsten; Norman, Michael L; Unat, Didem; Wahib, Mohammed—Computing in Science & Engineering, 2021

  12. Domaine-specific Runtime to Orchestrate Computation on Heterogeneous Platforms—O'Neal, Jared; Wahib, Mohamed; Dubey, Anshu; Weide, Klaus; Klosterman, Thomas—2021

  13. Exascale applications: skin in the game—Alexander, Francis; Almgren, Ann; Bell, John; Bhattacharjee, Amitava; Chen, Jacqueline; Colella, Phil; Daniel, David; DeSlippe, Jack; Diachin, Lori; Draeger, Erik; others, —Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A, 2020

  14. Distillation of best practices from refactoring flash for exascale—Dubey, Anshu; O’Neal, Jared; Weide, Klaus; Chawdhary, Saurabh—SN Computer Science, 2020

  15. Simulation Planning Using Component Based Cost Model—Dubey, Anshu; Chawdhary, Saurabh; Harris, J Austin; Messer, Bronson—2019

  16. The dividends of investing in computational software design: A case study—Dubey, Anshu; Tzeferacos, Petros; Lamb, Don Q—The International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications, 2019

  17. Experience report: refactoring the mesh interface in FLASH, a multiphysics software—Jared, O; Weide, Klaus; Dubey, Anshu; others, —2018

  18. Ongoing verification of a multiphysics community code: FLASH—Dubey, Anshu; Weide, Klaus; Lee, Dongwook; Bachan, John; Daley, Christopher; Olofin, Samuel; Taylor, Noel; Rich, Paul M; Reid, Lynn B—Software: Practice and Experience, 2015

  19. Evolution of FLASH, a multi-physics scientific simulation code for high-performance computing—Dubey, Anshu; Antypas, Katie; Calder, Alan C; Daley, Chris; Fryxell, Bruce; Gallagher, J Brad; Lamb, Donald Q; Lee, Dongwook; Olson, Kevin; Reid, Lynn B; others, —The International journal of high performance computing applications, 2014

  20. Imposing a Lagrangian particle framework on an Eulerian hydrodynamics infrastructure in FLASH—Dubey, Anshu; Daley, Cristopher; ZuHone, J; Ricker, Paul M; Weide, Klaus; Graziani, Carlo—The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, 2012

  21. Adding shared memory parallelism to FLASH for many-core architectures—Daley, Chris; Bachan, John; Couch, Sean; Dubey, Anshu; Fatenejad, Milad; Gallagher, Brad; Lee, Dongwook; Weide, Klaus—2012

  22. Extensible component-based architecture for FLASH, a massively parallel, multiphysics simulation code—Dubey, Anshu; Antypas, Katie; Ganapathy, Murali K; Reid, Lynn B; Riley, Katherine; Sheeler, Dan; Siegel, Andrew; Weide, Klaus—Parallel Computing, 2009

  23. Introduction to FLASH 3.0, with application to supersonic turbulence—Dubey, A; Reid, LB; Fisher, R—Physica Scripta, 2008

  24. An unsplit staggered mesh scheme for multidimensional magnetohydrodynamics—Lee, Dongwook; Deane, Anil E—Journal of Computational Physics, 2009

  25. Numerical simulations of the attenuation of the fundamental slow magnetoacoustic standing mode in a gravitationally stratified solar coronal arcade—Konkol, P; Murawski, K; Lee, D; Weide, K—Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2010

  26. Numerical methods of solving equations of hydrodynamics from perspectives of the code FLASH—Murawski, K; Lee, D—2011

  27. The excitation of 5-min oscillations in the solar corona—Zaqarashvili, TV; Murawski, K; Khodachenko, ML; Lee, D—Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2011

  28. Progress in development of HEDP capabilities in FLASH's Unsplit Staggered Mesh MHD solver—Lee, D; Xia, G; Daley, C; Dubey, A; Gopal, S; Graziani, C; Lamb, D; Weide, K—Astrophysics and Space Science, 2011

  29. Comparing numerical methods for isothermal magnetized supersonic turbulence—Kritsuk, Alexei G; Nordlund, Åke; Collins, David; Padoan, Paolo; Norman, Michael L; Abel, Tom; Banerjee, Robi; Federrath, Christoph; Flock, Mario; Lee, Dongwook; others, —The Astrophysical Journal, 2011

  30. Cosmological magnetohydrodynamic simulations of cluster formation with anisotropic thermal conduction—Ruszkowski, Mateusz; Lee, D; Brüggen, Marcus; Parrish, I; Oh, S Peng—The Astrophysical Journal, 2011

  31. Sloshing of the magnetized cool gas in the cores of galaxy clusters—ZuHone, JA; Markevitch, M; Lee, D—The Astrophysical Journal, 2011

  32. Godunov-type algorithms for numerical modeling of solar plasma—Murawski, Krzysztof; Lee, Dongwook—Control and Cybernetics, 2012

  33. FLASH magnetohydrodynamic simulations of shock-generated magnetic field experiments—Tzeferacos, Petros; Fatenejad, M; Flocke, N; Gregori, G; Lamb, DQ; Lee, D; Meinecke, J; Scopatz, A; Weide, K—High Energy Density Physics, 2012

  34. FLASH hydrodynamic simulations of experiments to explore the generation of cosmological magnetic fields—Scopatz, Anthony; Fatenejad, Milad; Flocke, Norbert; Gregori, Gianluca; Koenig, M; Lamb, DQ; Lee, D; Meinecke, J; Ravasio, A; Tzeferacos, P; others, —High Energy Density Physics, 2013

  35. Modeling HEDLA magnetic field generation experiments on laser facilities—Fatenejad, M; Bell, AR; Benuzzi-Mounaix, A; Crowston, R; Drake, RP; Flocke, N; Gregori, G; Koenig, M; Krauland, C; Lamb, D; others, —High Energy Density Physics, 2013

  36. The Fermi bubbles: supersonic active galactic nucleus jets with anisotropic cosmic-ray diffusion—Yang, H-YK; Ruszkowski, M; Ricker, PM; Zweibel, E; Lee, D—The Astrophysical Journal, 2012

  37. A solution accurate, efficient and stable unsplit staggered mesh scheme for three dimensional magnetohydrodynamics—Lee, Dongwook—Journal of Computational Physics, 2013

  38. The post-merger magnetized evolution of white dwarf binaries: the double-degenerate channel of sub-Chandrasekhar Type Ia supernovae and the formation of magnetized white dwarfs—Ji, Suoqing; Fisher, Robert T; Garcı́a-Berro, Enrique; Tzeferacos, Petros; Jordan, George; Lee, Dongwook; Lorén-Aguilar, Pablo; Cremer, Pascal; Behrends, Jan—The Astrophysical Journal, 2013

  39. Three-dimensional numerical simulation of magnetohydrodynamic-gravity waves and vortices in the solar atmosphere—Murawski, K; Ballai, I; Srivastava, AK; Lee, D—Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2013

  40. Cold fronts and gas sloshing in galaxy clusters with anisotropic thermal conduction—ZuHone, JA; Markevitch, M; Ruszkowski, M; Lee, D—The Astrophysical Journal, 2012

  41. Impact of magnetic fields on ram pressure stripping in disk galaxies—Ruszkowski, M; Brüggen, M; Lee, D; Shin, M-S—The Astrophysical Journal, 2014

  42. Turbulent amplification of magnetic fields in laboratory laser-produced shock waves—Meinecke, Jena; Doyle, HW; Miniati, Francesco; Bell, Anthony R; Bingham, R; Crowston, Robert; Drake, RP; Fatenejad, Milad; Koenig, Michel; Kuramitsu, Yasuhiro; others, —Nature Physics, 2014

  43. FLASH MHD simulations of experiments that study shock-generated magnetic fields—Tzeferacos, Petros; Fatenejad, Milad; Flocke, Norbert; Graziani, Carlo; Gregori, G; Lamb, DQ; Lee, D; Meinecke, J; Scopatz, A; Weide, K—High Energy Density Physics, 2015

  44. The biermann catastrophe in numerical magnetohydrodynamics—Graziani, Carlo; Tzeferacos, Petros; Lee, Dongwook; Lamb, Donald Q; Weide, Klaus; Fatenejad, Milad; Miller, Joshua—The Astrophysical Journal, 2015

  45. Developed turbulence and nonlinear amplification of magnetic fields in laboratory and astrophysical plasmas—Meinecke, Jena; Tzeferacos, Petros; Bell, Anthony; Bingham, Robert; Clarke, Robert; Churazov, Eugene; Crowston, Robert; Doyle, Hugo; Drake, R Paul; Heathcote, Robert; others, —Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2015

  46. The piecewise cubic method (PCM) for computational fluid dynamics—Lee, Dongwook; Faller, Hugues; Reyes, Adam—Journal of Computational Physics, 2017

  47. The Rise of a Magnetic Flux Tube in a Background Field: Solar Helicity Selection Rules—Manek, Bhishek; Brummell, Nicholas; Lee, Dongwook—The Astrophysical Journal Letters, 2018