2This is the header file
for the Multispecies database. For all routines
3several properties are used. They are described below and defined with
integer at the bottom of the file.
6 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
7 numTotal
A Total number of protons and neutrons in nucleus
8 numPositive
Z Atomic number, number of protons in nucleus;
9 upper bound
for Z* (ionization level)
11 numNeutral
N Number of neutrons
12 numNegative
E Number of electrons
13 bindingEnergy
EB Binding energy
14 adiabatic index
GAMMA Ratio of heat capacities: Cp / Cv
15 opacity lowTemp limit
MS_OPLOWTEMP Temperature in K below which the low temperature
16 opacity calculation kicks in
18 EOS type
MS_EOSTYPE Gamma-based, table, or something
30#define MS_EOSSUBTYPE 108
31#define MS_EOSZFREEFILE 208
32#define MS_EOSENERFILE 209
33#define MS_EOSPRESFILE 210
34#define MS_EOSGROUPNAME 211
35#define MS_EOSIONFILE 408
36#define MS_EOSELEFILE 409
37#define MS_NUMELEMS 300
40#define MS_FRACTIONS 303
41#define MS_OPLOWTEMP 304
43#define UNDEFINED_REAL -999.
44#define UNDEFINED_INT -999
45#define MS_UNDEFINED_STRING '-none-'
48#define MS_STRINGLEN 128