Doxygen Generated Documentation From Interface Source Code
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2!! Copyright 2022 UChicago Argonne, LLC and contributors
4!! Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5!! you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
7!! Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
8!! distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
9!! WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
10!! See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
11!! limitations under the License.
17 implicit none
18 type RadTrans_dbgContext_t
19 integer :: step
20 integer :: group
21 integer :: component
22 integer :: libErrCode
23 integer :: flashErrCode
24 integer :: retriable ! 0 for NO, 1 for YES
25 logical :: willingToRetry
32 implicit none
34#include "constants.h"
36!!$ interface
37!!$ subroutine RadTrans_getDbgContext(context)
38!!$ use RadTrans_interfaceTypeDecl, ONLY: RadTrans_dbgContext_t
39!!$!!$ import RadTrans_dbgContext_t ! a modern alternative
40!!$ implicit none
41!!$ type(RadTrans_dbgContext_t),intent(OUT) :: context
42!!$ end subroutine RadTrans_getDbgContext
43!!$ subroutine RadTrans_getDbgContextPtr(context)
44!!$ use RadTrans_interfaceTypeDecl, ONLY: RadTrans_dbgContext_t
45!!$!!$ import RadTrans_dbgContext_t ! a modern alternative
46!!$ implicit none
47!!$ type(RadTrans_dbgContext_t),pointer :: context
48!!$ end subroutine RadTrans_getDbgContextPtr
49!!$ end interface
51 interface RadTrans
52 subroutine RadTrans(dt, pass)
53 implicit none
54 real, intent(in) :: dt
55 integer, intent(in), optional :: pass
56 end subroutine RadTrans
57!!$ subroutine RadTrans_desc(dt, pass)
58!!$ implicit none
59!!$ real, intent(in) :: dt
60!!$ integer, intent(in), optional :: pass
61!!$ end subroutine RadTrans_desc
62 end interface RadTrans
64 interface
65 subroutine RadTrans_computeDt(tileDesc, solnData, dt_radtrans, dtMinLoc)
66 use Grid_tile, ONLY : Grid_tile_t
67 implicit none
68 type(Grid_tile_t), intent(IN) :: tileDesc
69 real, pointer :: solnData(:,:,:,:)
70 real, intent(INOUT) :: dt_radtrans
71 integer, intent(INOUT) :: dtMinLoc(5)
72 end subroutine RadTrans_computeDt
73 end interface
75!!$ interface
76!!$ subroutine RadTrans_computeFluxLimiter(ifl, iflOut, ieddi3, solnData, blockID, gcLayers)
77!!$ implicit none
78!!$ integer, intent(in) :: ifl
79!!$ integer, intent(in) :: iflOut
80!!$ integer, intent(in) :: ieddi3
81!!$ real, intent(INOUT) :: solnData(:,1:,1:,1:)
82!!$ integer, intent(IN) :: blockID
83!!$ integer, intent(IN),OPTIONAL :: gcLayers
84!!$ end subroutine RadTrans_computeFluxLimiter
85!!$ end interface
87 interface
88 subroutine RadTrans_init()
89 implicit none
90 end subroutine RadTrans_init
91 end interface
93!!$ interface
94!!$ subroutine RadTrans_planckInt(x, p)
95!!$ implicit none
96!!$ real, intent(in) :: x
97!!$ real, intent(out) :: p
98!!$ end subroutine RadTrans_planckInt
99!!$ end interface
101!!$ interface
102!!$ subroutine RadTrans_mgdGetBound(g, b)
103!!$ implicit none
104!!$ integer, intent(in) :: g
105!!$ real, intent(out) :: b
106!!$ end subroutine RadTrans_mgdGetBound
107!!$ end interface
109!!$ interface
110!!$ subroutine RadTrans_mgdSetBound(g, b)
111!!$ implicit none
112!!$ integer, intent(in) :: g
113!!$ real, intent(in) :: b
114!!$ end subroutine RadTrans_mgdSetBound
115!!$ end interface
117!!$ interface
118!!$ subroutine RadTrans_mgdEFromT(blockId, axis, trad, tradActual)
119!!$ implicit none
120!!$ integer, intent(in) :: blockId
121!!$ integer, intent(in) :: axis(MDIM)
122!!$ real, intent(in) :: trad
123!!$ real, intent(out), optional :: tradActual
124!!$ end subroutine RadTrans_mgdEFromT
125!!$ end interface
127!!$ interface
128!!$ subroutine RadTrans_sumEnergy(ivar, nblk, blklst)
129!!$ implicit none
130!!$ integer, intent(in) :: ivar
131!!$ integer, intent(in) :: nblk
132!!$ integer, intent(in) :: blklst(nblk)
133!!$ end subroutine RadTrans_sumEnergy
134!!$ end interface
136!!$ interface
137!!$ subroutine RadTrans_mgdSetEnergy(blockId, axis, grpNum, eg)
138!!$ implicit none
139!!$ integer, intent(in) :: blockId
140!!$ integer, intent(in) :: axis(MDIM)
141!!$ integer, intent(in) :: grpNum
142!!$ real, intent(in) :: eg
143!!$ end subroutine RadTrans_mgdSetEnergy
144!!$ end interface
146!!$ interface
147!!$ subroutine RadTrans_mgdSetBc(ig, bcTypes, bcValues, f, bcType, bcValue)
148!!$ implicit none
150!!$ integer, intent(in) :: ig
152!!$ integer, optional, intent(in) :: bcTypes(6)
153!!$ real, optional, intent(in) :: bcValues(6)
155!!$ integer, optional, intent(in) :: f
156!!$ integer, optional, intent(in) :: bcType
157!!$ real, optional, intent(in) :: bcValue
159!!$ end subroutine RadTrans_mgdSetBc
160!!$ end interface
162 interface
163 subroutine RadTrans_finalize ()
164 implicit none
165 end subroutine RadTrans_finalize
166 end interface
168end module RadTrans_interface