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Functions/Subroutines | |
subroutine | Grid_init () |
subroutine Grid_init |
Initialize the runtime parameters needed by the grid unit.
These are the runtime parameters used by the basic Grid unit. Your specific implementation (Paramesh, UG) WILL have more runtime parameters particular to that unit. Since parameters inheritance is cumulative, all of the ones described here will be included by all the specific implementations.
To see the default parameter values and all the runtime parameters specific to your simulation check the "setup_params" file in your object directory. You might have overwritten these values with the flash.par values for your specific run.
bndPriorityOne [INTEGER] indicates which axis, x,y,z has priority in guardcell filling at the physical boundaries. Defines priority of x direction boundary filling, can be 1,2 or 3 bndPriorityThree [INTEGER] defines priority of z direction boundary filling, can be 1,2 or 3 bndPriorityTwo [INTEGER] defines priority of y direction boundary filling, can be 1,2 or 3 convertToConsvdForMeshCalls [BOOLEAN] indicates if vars are converted from primitive (i.e., velocity) to conservative (i.e., momentum) before Grid functions that interpolate data are invoked. With PARAMESH3 or later, convertToConsvdInMeshInterp should be used instead. geometry [STRING] Grid geometry, one of "cartesian", "spherical", "cylindrical", "polar" unbiased_geometry [BOOLEAN] attempt to remove floating point bias from geometry discretization NOT YET IMPLEMENTED xl_boundary_type [STRING] lower (left) boundary condition in x dir xmax [REAL] physical domain upper bound in x dir xmin [REAL] physical domain lower bound in x dir xr_boundary_type [STRING] upper (right) boundary condition in x dir yl_boundary_type [STRING] lower boundary condition in y dir ymax [REAL] physical domain upper bound in y dir ymin [REAL] physical domain lower bound in y dir yr_boundary_type [STRING] upper boundary condition in y dir zl_boundary_type [STRING] lower boundary condition in z dir zmax [REAL] physical domain lower bound in x dir zmin [REAL] physical domain lower bound in z dir zr_boundary_type [STRING] upper boundary condition in z dir eosMode [STRING] the default Eos mode, usually MODE_DENS_EI, where density and energy are provided to calculate pressure and temperature smallx [REAL] cutoff value for abundances, used in Paramesh2 "monotonic" interpolation for mesh prolongation interpol_order [INTEGER] the order of interpolation, used in Paramesh2 "monotonic" interpolation for mesh prolongation
useParticles [BOOLEAN] Whether to initialize and advance particles pt_maxPerProc [INTEGER] Maximum number of particles per processor
Definition at line 93 of file Grid_init.F90.